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Open Source organisation design

From FAQs to FDCs

I read this interesting piece by Lee Oddeen on content for business blogs  and how corporations can leverage knowledge residing with employees as an important starting point. He writes:

"One of the best resources for blog content comes out of interactions with prospects and customers. If an organization can tap into the flow of dialog that happens between front line employees such as sales people and customer support there is an abundance of valuable content available. If customers and potential customers have questions about certain topics, then it’s pretty likely that many others will too."

Taking-off from this thought, I felt one of the most important areas where such knowledge resides is in the call centre conversations for companies. Many customer service queries get handled during such interactions. Would it not be a good idea to have a section in a company website called FDCs - Frequently Discussed Conversations or even put them in their business blogs? 

This could be customer conversations on product, service, usage issues, new solutions discovered by customers etc. I think podcasts of the same can be made available on the blog, websites etc. so that customers/prospects can listen to them and bring them closer to the brand & the company.

The future of great customer experience is all about converting interactions into information.
